18th Sept 2012 , Natasha Kim , CM writer – Do you love Gospel music? Do you want to start playing an instrument but think it’s too difficult? Those who have a passion for the Lord and would like to play Gospel music fret not. This might just be the place for you, whatever your age is whether young or old, all is welcome as long as you have the interest to learn. This music studio is unique as instructors only teach the keyboard as it is simple especially with their fast-and-easy method.
Gospel Keyboard Music Studio is located in The Summit, USJ Subang Jaya. It was founded in October 2004 by Samuel Wong. As mentioned above, he created a fast-and-easy method for playing the keyboard where musical notes are replaced by wordings of Gospel music, so one can easily learn without having the hassle or having to worry about it being difficult. With that he says, “Now everyone can play”. The keyboards versatility, compared to the piano, helps students learn faster. Furthermore, students will be able to be a “one man band” if no one is there as the keyboard allows one to play the sounds of different instruments at the same time while singing. This gives the impression of a small band. In addition to that, it only takes a few months, maximum ten months to learn how to play.

It is now possible to have a lively worship!, whether its personal worship in your own home or in worship sessions such as small gatherings (prayer meetings and cell groups) without depending on many musicians or musical instruments.

Samuel started off at a young age, being a musician. When he became a Christian he found the music to be quite dull as it was played the classical way. Then he started playing and teaching at home, starting a new contemporary way on the keyboard mimicking one what he started calling a “one man band” which he still uses and believes in today because of his keyboards. He said that what inspired him was Ecclesiastes, a chapter that started and told him that, “everything we do is meaningless even if you are rich or poor”. He always wanted to be a millionaire but that chapter changed him, he felt like he was chasing after the wind . So he decided to quit his secular career and later he received numerous requests to start a music studio. That in short is how the studio started off. He ended by saying, “Over the years the students that have come, some are pastor’s children, or worship leaders who want to learn how to play themselves. They can follow someone but most who came to me did not know how to start. We teach them how to lead in worship, perform at their prayer meetings or small Churches and most of them feel confident in helping out”.
If you would like to know more or to watch Samuel play the keyboard, you can go to :-http://www.youtube.com/user/GOSPELWORSHIPMUSIC?feature=CA4QwRs%3D
Or you can contact him at 016 – 283 2482
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