22 March 2013 by Joseph Tan-
According to the 2008 Scripps UFO Poll by Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel, 74% of 18-24 year olds believed it was likely that intelligent life exists on other planets. This acceptance of the "reality" of higher and more advanced civilizations beyond planet Earth is so pervasive that even a five-year old tends to identify the word UFO with spacecrafts and aliens rather than just an unidentified object. Unless, we as believers in Jesus Christ and in the authority of His revealed Word are able to present a credible Biblical worldview with regards to this "alien-encounter" phenomena, we are going to lose the interest of the next generation of Christians.
From this week's video, we will discuss "The Fourth Encounter" phenomena – Alien Abduction. Now, are aliens moving in closer to us and offering us technologically-superior solutions that will bring us to the next level of peaceful existence in a world of war, disease and strife? Or are they having hostile intentions as depicted in a few Hollywood movies – ready to take over this planet since we have been unable to take care of it for ourselves? Now, speculations and conjectures will never end unless we have the right starting point. We need a Biblical response.
Watch this video made by Joseph Tan!
For more info : http://creation.com/alien-life-ufo-qu…
Note: Joseph Tan is the founder and consultant of Good Monday Consulting, whose mission is to resolve conflict and reduce stress at work, at home and in life by focusing on the root cause of character and developing core strengths. You can contact him at joseph@goodmonday.com
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