AIDS Memorial Day- Together, we can make a difference!


19 May 2014 by Isaac Tan-


HIV/AIDS has been one of the most disastrous diseases in modern times. Since the HIV virus was discovered in 1981, more than 20 million people around the world have died from AIDS and some 40 million are estimated to be infected today.

Occurring the third Sunday every May, 18 May 2014, is International AIDS Memorial Day (IAMD). Recently First Baptist Church (FBC) Kuching, Sarawak, organised a community campaign to raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS by raising awareness and breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination, and giving hope to new generations. It is an opportunity to educate about HIV/AIDS, create community dialogue about prevention, and give care and treatment.

Warriors of Sarawak from Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) at FBC Kuching for the IAMD with Isaac Tan (2nd from right)
Warriors of Sarawak from Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) at FBC Kuching for the IAMD with Isaac Tan (2nd from right)


HIV/AIDS is a critical foe but one that can be defeated with your involvement and mobilization for ending HIV/AIDS. This is a call to action. HIV/AIDS is a national and community problem. Social stigma and discrimination against People Living with HIV has only made matters worse.

Together with ‘Warriors of Sarawak’ from Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES), the Christian community, and concerned individuals, we can be a powerful force in educating the public on HIV/AIDS prevention, we can address and end the scourge of HIV/AIDS.


State Matron Fu Choon Kee, speaker at FBC Chapel, Kuching (left) with Isaac Tan
State Matron Fu Choon Kee, speaker at FBC Chapel, Kuching (left) with Isaac Tan



Together, we can make the difference.

This message is brought to you by CRISIS HOME. Crisis Home is a home for people with HIV or AIDS. Established in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, Isaac Tan is the main caretaker of Crisis Home after the previous caretaker had passed away. 

If you like to contribute to Crisis Home or would like to have HIV/AIDS awareness talk in your church/workplace/school,  or you would like to speak to someone about HIV/AIDS, please contact Isaac Tan at or hand phone +6016-2727-072.


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