A Lifestyle of Radical Influence and Impact: Dato’ Dr. Daniel Ho


As followers of Christ and as people of God, we are called to live a life well and to be of radical influence and impact. The best way to do this is to set an intentional goal for our journey on this Earth and in the right way. Recently, Dato’ Dr. Daniel Ho shared a simple message about this topic. The three fundamental dimensions he presented were foundation and framework, which would direct us to the proper focus in life. When we get them right, our lives will have radical influence and impact.


Dato’ Dr. Daniel Ho sharing his message at DUMC


Foundation of Life (John 14:6, 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, John 8:32)

As Christians, our life should be lived based on truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth that lasts forever, which means His impact is also for eternity. He declared in John 14:6 that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Evidence of this can be found in His resurrection. 

Because the resurrection of Christ is a fulcrum of history, there has been much debate throughout the eons we have been on Earth. Many people have tried to debunk the resurrection and instead become believers of Christ after all the research and findings. 


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What does it mean to set our life on the foundation of Christ as Truth? Only the Truth can give meaning to our life. With this also comes true significance and freedom. Scripture tells us that we are precious children of God. This truth gives us joy, peace, passion, and energy to live a life secured and significant in Christ.  

Satan will attempt to shortchange us and cause us to prop and lean our ladders on the wrong walls. Due to this, many, even among believers, have placed their foundations on the imperfect things, on the philosophies and systems of the world. When death comes knocking, many find they have wasted their lives. 

Putting our foundation on Christ as Truth challenges us to live a life of legacy not centered on transient things but on the deeper and eternal aspects, such as the dignity of life and our spiritual identities as God’s children. The Christian life comes with a high calling, expressed through privilege and responsibility. How has Christ challenged you to leave an impact on others? 


Framework for Life  (Exodus 20:1-17)

With Christ and Truth as the foundation, we can build the framework or scaffolding of our Christian life. This framework includes principles, values, convictions, commitment, and, above all, Scripture. It has to be centered on a Godly worldview. Psalm 127:1 reminds us that only the house that is built by the Lord can stand the test of time. Rather than looking upon the 10 Commandments as a set of personal ethics of dos and don’ts, we see it as a paradigm for a transformed society.



Some people may not realise it, but the Ten Commandments are universally accepted. It has shaped nations, and many have incorporated similar criteria in their law and constitutions. We can learn to live a better life through the Ten Commandments. Here are some examples of how.

The first commandment is deeply tied to how we build our foundations. It affirms God as the Creator and that there is no other God we are to base our lives upon. The sixth commandment warns against murder, but not just about the act. The commandment has a deeper meaning about the sanctity of life. It states that all life should be respected, even those most of the world has disregarded, such as the disabled and underprivileged. Other commandments, such as those warning against adultery and theft, facilitates a harmonious society with mutual respect for property and rights. The commandments also place focus on the proper value of hard work and loving and taking care of the people placed under our responsibility.   


Focus in Life  (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Ref: Paul_Skorupkas@unsplash


The foundation and framework of a Christian point towards the one and only focus in life found in 1 Corinthians 10:31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.  

In whatever we do, in our speech and action, whether it is private or in public, in all our roles and relationships, we are to honour God. When the foundation, framework, and focus are aligned rightly, we can forge ahead, shaping who we are and what we do, no matter where we are. Dato’ Daniel gave pointers for each of these.


Conclusion – Forging Ahead in Life



1. Who I am

Be an attractive person with good character. Among others, be trustworthy, transparent, humble, consistent, reliable, and personable.

Show competency by being responsible and serious in your work and studies. Do your level best. Go for training and upgrade skills to improve your capacities if you have to.

Practise compassion and care towards others by not brushing them aside. Love genuinely. Have a heart that is concerned for people. Do away with unkind or unjust words that hurt others. 

2. Wherever I am

Wherever God places you, be a blessing to others by inspiring them with your support and encouragement. If they need to be heard, be a healing agent by counselling them with kindness and gentleness. Some wounds are deep; some have inner hurts that we may not fully understand. Even children are susceptible to mental disorders and suicidal thoughts these days. Sometimes, the simplest thing we can do for others is to be there for them. 

3. Whatever I do

Help people.

Help them stand on your shoulders so that they will feel lifted up. Teach them to fly high, last long, and land well. Guide them to invest correctly and wisely, in terms of finances or time, and most importantly, in Jesus.



NoteThis is an adaptation of a sermon shared by Dato’ Dr. Daniel Ho at Damansara Utama Methodist Church on the 11th of June 2023. You may access the full sermon from DUMC’s YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/live/KE3IV6wvqa4?feature=share


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