Heavenly Devotion: Psalm 90 – God’s Righteous Judgement Against Man’s Frailty

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Psalm 90 – God’s righteous judgement against man’s frailty

(by Elder Goh Sook Wah)

This Psalm, written by Moses, begins with an affirmation of God as the Sovereign LORD who has been their refuge and protection from eternity past to eternity future.

Moses has seen how the judgement of God turned man to destruction because of their iniquities. Our eternal God who stands over time and sees a thousand years as yesterday certainly has the right and authority to judge mankind. The power of God’s righteous judgement and anger is against man’s sins. The result is the brevity and futility of human life marked by pain, sorrow, and labour.

In response to the dilemma of mankind, Moses petitions God for wisdom to acknowledge the righteousness and the holiness of God. (v11). Since life has its limitation and is so short, he prayed for wisdom to “number our days” which is to see each day as a valuable gift and an opportunity to live right with God. (v12). Moses then implored God, not for justice, but to relent with His compassion, mercy, and grace upon His people. (v13,14), to reveal His might, power, and salvation to men (v16), to restore all creation and mankind to what it could and should be, (v14,15) and to reward man with His favour and to bless the work of their hands. (v17)

The sombre theme of Psalm 90 reflects the reality of human life. In this life, there is sadness and shortness, frustration, and failure. While this is not the purpose God intended when life was first created, man’s sin led to this outcome. But there is hope in the saving grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus.


Let’s Read Psalm 90

A prayer of Moses the man of God.

Lord, you have been our dwelling place
    throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
    or you brought forth the whole world,
    from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

You turn people back to dust,
    saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”
A thousand years in your sight
    are like a day that has just gone by,
    or like a watch in the night.
Yet you sweep people away in the sleep of death—
    they are like the new grass of the morning:
In the morning it springs up new,
    but by evening it is dry and withered.

We are consumed by your anger
    and terrified by your indignation.
You have set our iniquities before you,
    our secret sins in the light of your presence.
All our days pass away under your wrath;
    we finish our years with a moan.
10 Our days may come to seventy years,
    or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
    for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
11 If only we knew the power of your anger!
    Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due.
12 Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

13 Relent, Lord! How long will it be?
    Have compassion on your servants.
14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
    that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,
    for as many years as we have seen trouble.
16 May your deeds be shown to your servants,
    your splendor to their children.

17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
    establish the work of our hands for us—
    yes, establish the work of our hands.


Let’s Pray

Our dear Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that we are sinners living under your righteous judgement. Without your love, compassion, mercy, and grace, we will be consumed by your anger. Help us to number our days that we may have a heart of wisdom to live holy lives that will please you and honour your name. Grant us your favour and bless the work of our hands. In Jesus Name, Amen.


This devotional was kindly contributed by Dr. Chow Li Sze and her channel Heavenly Devotion. You may find the channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavenlyDevotion/videos


About the Heavenly Devotion channel

The Heavenly Devotion channel is dedicated to encouraging you to listen to Bible Scriptures and pray with the Scriptures. They are inspired by the call of service as expressed and exemplified by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12 NKJV)


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