Vanity of vanities, all is vanity – Joseph Lim

Joseph Lim (far right) with the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship members


My childhood was spent in the rough neighbourhood of Chow Kit in Kuala Lumpur. Growing up, I witnessed the many sides of urban surrounding. It was interesting through the eyes of a city boy. I was mesmerised by the hustle and bustle of the city. Witnessing street prostitution in the back alleys at only nine years old was an eye opener for me.


Joseph Lim (fourth from left) in a Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship Christmas event


But life was more colourful than that. It came with the surprises of racial riots of 1969, where the unmistakable face of racism reared its ugly head. I knew how it was and I would never forget the bloody clash that took place in front of my father’s shop at the forefront of the riots. I was only 10 at that time.

Childhood progressed to adulthood at a very fast pace. In a flick of an eye, I grew to take my first job with Singapore Airlines that lasted for ten years. It brought me fond memories of travelling overseas that many could only dream of, in 1980 till 1990. After that, I moved on to become the General Manager of Inchape Logistics. I eventually forgot about my first love for Christ when I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour.


Joseph Lim (far right) with his church


I was only 14 years old when I accepted Christ at my school’s Scripture Union society. His Love was so tangible, secure and warm that I could recall this feeling till today. But the temptations of the world and busyness of life caught up with me. I thought career success was what people aim for. I just could not hold on to my Christian values and I sank deeper and deeper, compromising myself to the world. 

Yes, it is true that I steadily rose in my career, thanks to the impeccable timing and positioning. But it was God’s hands that opened the doors of success to me than my personal abilities. Yet, my pride at that time said, “It was my achievement and hard work!” This reminded me of Ecclesiastes 1:2 that says, “Vanity of vanities… All is vanity.”


Joseph Lim (3rd from left)


Everything changed when I had a stroke in year 2009. No doubt I realised that there was a supreme God in the universe at 14 years old. But it was my stroke and the time I had to go through, which made me realise that Jesus was always by my side. He was waiting patiently to welcome me back and embrace me with a tender and loving hug saying, “Son, I love you.” On my hospital bed, I cried out to God, “Dad! Don’t leave me as a human vegetable! I have sinned and I want to come back.” After seven days of being bed-ridden. I took the immediate step of faith and walked. Hallelujah! I believe in Him again. Till today, my LORD, my Healer, has not failed me.


Joseph Lim (far right)


My friends used to say that I had a stroke. But I corrected them. What I had was a stroke of good fortune because now I know that there is a Living God who hears our cries. He was with me before my stroke but I did not want to acknowledge His Presence in the past due to my self interest and carnal pursuits. 

Even in my faults and weaknesses, God still chose me to serve Him in ways beyond my wildest dreams! Now, I have a fulfilled life serving God in my local church, various ministries and the local Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship chapter through evangelistic and revival meetings. My friend once remarked, “So boring your life, so church-oriented.” I corrected him and said, “Friend, when your time is dued, I rather be seen serving Him than getting engrossed in the futility of striving for modern day so-called fulfilment of self.” Today, I have a sense of contentment and fullness of life, knowing that God is able to provide all that is necessary for me to carry on in this life.



Joseph Lim (far left)


So, believe that the God you serve is the great I AM and nothing will shake you in times of trouble. Confide and trust in Him. It is not going to be easy but with prayers and a common identity in our Saviour, we shall not be moved whether in storms of life or turbulence of the inner self. Through my walk with Him, God has revealed Himself to me in the most unexpected way. When all is lost, He will appear and somehow make things better. My strength comes from the Rock of Salvation. And in Him only, I place all my faith in. I trust that all things happen for a purpose.

My God is real and He loves to hear you call Him, “Abba!” Your Father in Heaven will not slumber or rest but He will bring out the best in you and for you (Psalm 121:3; Philippians 1:6, Romans 8:28). Listen… while you read this, He is calling you. Stop and listen… I could hear Him say, “Joseph Lim called upon My Name. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” And that’s my Daddy. “Dad, I owe you one, I love you.”


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