Shifting with God’s New Movement – Dr Chuck Pierce in Sibu

Dr Chuck Pierce
Dr Chuck Pierce


“The Kingdom is at hand, there’s a movement in the land,” Dr Chuck Pierce called out to the church in the last day of the conference at Dewan Suarah Sibu recently. “You’re going to move in the Kingdom’s movement because now you hear the sound of it.” 

Worship leader James Vincent also brought in a prophetic song at the session, to which Dr Pierce added during worship, “It’s a sound and movement that encompasses the people around the land; and it brings past all those things that resist movement.”

“Last season’s church worship captures us, so we can move in this season’s sound,” he said, adding that there would be an impartation of the sharing. 

He also talked about his new book, A Time to Prosper, and his upcoming book, The Apostolic Church Arising, referring to sound and worship. “That’s what it looks like; what we just saw this morning,” he said.


Morning worship at the conference
Morning worship at the conference


God brings us out to capture a sound and then sends us forth. “Church is linked with the concept of gathering; but that gathering has two meanings,” he said. One is to gather for fellowship. Another is to gather for strategy to go into a spiritual warfare, based on the meaning of church, which is strategeo. 

“So, meetings like these would be heavier in strategy; then we all go back and we fellowship,” he explained. “Unless you have meetings like these where the sound of heaven comes down so we can advance, what would happen is that the (spiritual) enemy would gain ground in your territory.”  

“So what this apostolic team does is draw us out,” he said adding that we have to have teams to draw us out. And in the bible, there are three tribes that moved together. Once the these three tribes moved first, all of Israel would be victorious.

Judah would be moving first, which word means praise. This word also means ‘to take a stone and to fling it.’ That’s what David did against Goliath. Judah was the apostolic tribe that went to war and uttered a new sound.


Ref: christianimagesource
Ref: christianimagesource


Along with Judah, Issachar also moved. Issachar was a tribe that understood the Torah and the Word of God. They knew how to take the Word of God and intercede. The picture of Issachar is a donkey that bears a burden.

So, not only do you have the apostolic worship leadership that is leading us to war, you must also have an intercessory understanding of what you are coming up against. So, as these troops continued in worship together, they also must have a new paradigm of intercession and warfare. Therefore, you always want to move with the tribes or groups that are strong in what they do. On this particular journey, our team is made up of Judah, Issachar, and also Zebulun. Zebulun is a warring tribe; they were also the tribe that knew how to unlock the wealth.


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Ref: ytimg


“A new movement has to unlock new provisions,” he said, referring to James Vincent and himself as operating in the Judah team. “It’s an apostolic warrior team.” He also referred to Melinda Robinson and Anne Tate, as the Issachar team who know how to use the Word and how to bear the burden to advance. And the prophet John Price represents the Zebulun team who knows how to make money. “Without having a team like that, you don’t move forward,” he said.

In the body of Christ, there is a full redemption of all 12 tribes. But these three tribes have to go first. Most pastoral tribes are part of Asher, they know how to feed and prosper the flock. “But they can only war efficiently if the other three went first,” he said. But what happens in the church is we get used to just being in a certain pasture and quit moving. “There comes a time where God has to activate a move,” he added.

“When we prophesy something, why it is important here is because the next three years are very important over this island,” he said. There will be great warfare in this island over who controls the sound and who controls the wealth.

“Because of that, it is very important that you start mobilizing your new strategic intercessory troop. If that troop knows how to use the Word, the Word will triumph and the others will advance.

“God visited me in 1986. He showed me in ten-year increments what would happen in the body of Christ. He showed me what would happen in the nations of the world. He showed me how China would change rapidly and come in great prominence,” said Chuck Pierce.

His books, The Future War of the Church and God’s Unfolding Battle Plan, take us through the end of this year. His next book will take us through 2026.

“That’s why it’s very important that God stirs up a movement in strategic places throughout the world. Borneo is one of those key places on earth,” he said sharing. “I saw last night this wind of transition blowing in Sarawak, Malaysia.”


Ref: Singh-Ray
Ref: Singh-Ray


Because of that, God is crossing us out of one place into a new place. He is doing it in provision, worship, and leadership. This year, there is a heavy wind blowing in this region. There are storms in heaven and storms in earth because God is stirring up heaven and earth. “You will find in days ahead, there will be a great upheaval in the authority of this nation because God is sending a wind of change down to the earth,” he continued.

Matthew 14: 24-32 says:


But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.”


Ref: bibledaily
Ref: bibledaily


“Here’s the issue with God’s people, we need to understand that we have a say in how the wind operates,” he said. God operates by giving His people a part in the shift. “What I want you to do this morning is to understand authority,” he said adding, “I want you to understand your call in this time.”

A passage in Matthew 14 is very important for us to understand. This chapter talks about a time when the new began.  The first thing the Lord taught His disciples was to multiply. “You have to understand that each one of you has great power,” he said.  One can put a thousand to plight; two can put ten thousand.

“There always comes a time when the transition of last season ends,” he said. The next thing that the Lord taught His people is about the wind. What the Lord told His disciples to do after they have fed the 10 000, was to get on the boat to cross over. They have ended a season; the leadership of John’s wineskin was now over. Jesus was two years into forming His wineskin, and now He says He’s not only teaching us to multiply but to pave the way into the future. “And notice, He sends them out ahead of Him,” he told. That means Jesus can call you to go forth without you really understanding what you are doing.


Ref: sanaciones
Ref: sanaciones


The disciples got halfway across to a new place and the wind got bad. “Remember the Lord’s not with them, they just know they’re going to a new place,” he said. They are halfway to their destination and the boat is going crazy. “I want you to understand something. His disciples were masters of the sea. That is their livelihood; they know how to ride the waves and they know how to fish. But they had never experienced a wind like this,” he said.

“What the Lord does is walk on the waves to catch up with them. In other words; the Lord said, ‘I better catch up with them because they are really in a hard place right now!’ When they saw Him coming, they did not recognize Him. They actually thought He was a ghost. Until Peter said, ‘Lord, if that’s you call me out!’ So the Lord spoke to him and said, ‘Peter, come!’ God will always call people out into the new place if they are willing to go. Think about this. At least Peter went; the others were just hanging on to the boat.”

“Peter was saying, ‘the Lord is outside the boat so I’ll go outside the boat.’ And Peter did real well because his faith. The Word of God, kept his faith buoyant. When God speaks, faith comes in to us,” he said. Peter did not have any problem staying afloat for a while. But then he started looking at the results of the wind. The effect of the wind was creating some big waves. Peter didn’t have enough faith to know how to go with the waves so he began to sink.


Ref: mydailydevotion
Ref: mydailydevotion


“What happens to a lot of people is they never go; they never stepped out. Somewhere, they come into agreement with the old. They come in agreement with the last land where they found themselves standing.

“God has a new place for them to get to. The Lord says, ‘Oh ye of little faith. Why are you upset?’ It wasn’t like they had no faith; they won’t even be out there if they had no faith. But little faith means you start doubting easily.

“In a new movement, it’s easy to doubt. Because you haven’t been this way before, you’ve not worship this way before, you’ve not been outside the church. But, you won’t get to the other side if you stay inside the church. You have to move when God says move,” he said. 

Once the Lord caught up with them, He got Peter back into boat with Him. Why? He needed Peter for the future. Some of you made some big mistakes in the past but God needs you for the future. “What He does is He gets you back in the boat, so you can get to the other side,” he continued.

When Jesus got in the boat, the wind stopped. “You find this account in every gospel,” he explained. That shows how important it is for us to understand. It shows that once we decided to make the transition to go across, the wind eventually has to submit to us and all of the adversities have to submit to us. “You have a say in the wind,” he said telling this is the year of the wind. In Mark chapter 4, once they go across, they are ready to learn a new lesson. 


Ref: christ
Ref: christ


Mark 5:1 says: “Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes.”

In other words, they crossed over, so they could face this demonize man controlling the gate ahead. The Lord had told them to multiply and they possess the power of authority over the wind because He knew what they would face in the days ahead. They had never seen anything like this. They ran into the gatekeeper of the future and this gatekeeper had lots of demons. This gatekeeper had a legion of demons. This was the only time they see the Lord asking for the demon’s name, which it said, “I am Legion.” So, He casted all these demons out and they went into the pigs in the area. Then the pigs ran into the sea. What does that mean? The pigs were the Galilean’s economy.

At transition time, we learn that God would first teach His people to multiply. Secondly, we learn that He taught them how to weather the rockiness to get to the next place. In other words, God will teach us how to control the atmosphere. But the third thing is that there will be a hard place coming in the economy and days ahead. “And the Lord says, ‘I’m going to teach you how to rule the economy. I’m going to teach you how to tell the demons of economy to back off because we’re coming through!’ This is a major shift going on this year. The heavens are shifting and that’s causing nations and cities to make shifts,” he said.

Haggai 2:7-8 says: “and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the Lord of hosts.


Ref: 1ms
Ref: 1ms


There will come a time when the heavens make a shift and the change from heaven starts entering the earth realm. That’s what this year is about. Four key things will happen when that happens. Heaven’s atmosphere comes into Borneo Island. Heaven’s atmosphere enters earth. Heaven has a spiritual authority. There are angelic hosts that make up the spiritual authority of God in Heaven. So what happens is that God starts shifting His spiritual authority from heaven into the earth realm to help you. God has His own authority – apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. These include healers, miracle workers, administrators, tongues and interpreters of tongues. All of a sudden, that authority starts aligning in the earth and the angelic host starts aligning with them.

“The angelic host won’t align with God’s authority if we don’t get in line,” he said. They are not going to exert in seasons of war, come down and just work with the pastors of the land. You first have to have Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun; apostles, prophets, intercessors and teachers.    

Once that shift starts, all of a sudden, the earth’s structure starts shaking. Things start turning upside down and this is the place we are in at the moment. “We are in a moment to watch this major shift occurring; this shift is causing a major shift in the glory realm. The heavens are changing,” he ended.


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After a short break, Dr. Pierce declared a few things. “This anointing this weekend caused quite a stirring in the region,” he said telling God knows within three years you will be stronger than the spiritual enemies around you. “In businesses and industries, there are strongholds,” he said. 

“There’s an anointing that comes from this meeting that gives you the ability to knock certain things out of the way. In the next year, because of this meeting, you are going to have a moment of breakthrough,” he added. Listen to the wind; without hearing the wind, we will fall back. In Hebrew, the movement in the Mulberry trees was actually angelic hosts.

“God says, wait until you feel the wind of angelic movement and go from behind,” he ended saying, “The wind that is blowing now is a threefold wind.”


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