9-16 Let the Nation Pray!


19 September 2014 by Mindy Oon CM –


916 Let the Nation Pray’ was held on Malaysia Day at Tower Regency, Ipoh. Around 1000 Christians from the churches in Perak gathered to pray for Malaysia on the day that it was created. Every race was represented, and together it was declared that Perak, and Malaysia, is serious about God, and that we are bringing this country into the hand of God.


916 let the nation pray
916 let the nation pray


A short word was brought by Pastor David Goh from Banner of Love, Kota Damansara. Pastor David started off by saying that he is excited about what God is doing in the East and West Malaysia. It is exciting when churches come together to rebuild the altars of the Lord. God has a plan or the church in Malaysia, as well as for every individual. Most of us are aware that we are living in the end times, and we know that Jesus is coming soon, bringing God’s redemption plan for mankind to a closure.

However, the word of God says that He will one more time shake the heavens and the earth. He will shake His church, and He will shake Malaysia and the nations of the world. We have seen the shakings – and these shakings will get more violent as the days go by. While times may be hard, this is the call of God for His people to return to him wholeheartedly. We must start to seek after the things that cannot be shaken. We must seek Him, His heart, and His kingdom. We must seek God’s righteousness and His holiness so that we can fulfill His will and purposes in these last days. We need to do this so that we can be true witnesses for Jesus Christ.


Greeting one another as a body of Christ
Greeting one another as a body of Christ


Isaiah 60:2 says ‘See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and His glory appears over you’. This darkness will cover Malaysia and the whole earth. This means there will be misery and that lawlessness that will take place, affecting everyone on earth. Truly, we can see that there is a darkness covering Malaysia, with rampant crime, corruption and lawlessness happening around us.

It is in the midst of such darkness, God will reveal himself. He will reveal His glory through us – his church. He will reveal His glory to all mankind and everyone will know that Christ is the one and only true living God. And every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.


What is our response?

Arise and Shine for the glory of the Lord is upon us! In the midst of darkness the church should shine because His glory is upon us. We can’t pray away the darkness – this darkness must take place in the last days.


representatives from each community in Perak
Representatives from each community in Perak


However, we have been called to be the light in the midst of the darkness. When the light and glory of God is upon us, nations will come to God’s light. Revival will come, and nation, individuals and even kings will come to God’s people. Imagine if we are all in a dark room, and a person lights a candle. All of us will be attracted to the light. As God’s people, we are that light. Signs, wonders and miracles will follow us. Jesus will empower us with His spiritual authority, and He will give us the accuracy of His word. When we speak His word, the heart of men will be drawn to Him. God is poising His church for a great revival.

Our country has 30 million people and there are still 27 million who does not know Christ. While God will reveal Himself to those that do not know Him, 1 Peter 1:14-16 says ‘As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”


Worship at ‘916 Let The Nation Pray’


We need to be holy because our God is holy. If we are to make a real impact in this nation, we need to deal with the sin that is in our lives because this will ensure that the presence of God will be with us all the days of our lives. Without holiness, we will not be able to see God, and all our proclamations of how great God is will come to nothing. Holiness is required for God’s presence to be with us. Thus, we must repent of the sin that is in our lives so that the light of Christ will come down upon us.


Rebuilding the Altar

Rebuilding the altar
Rebuilding The Altar


The prophetic act of building the altar of prayer was carried out. This solemn moment represented the rebuilding the altar of prayer and commitment so that the name of Jesus would be lifted up. Each community was represented and each representative placed a stone at the altar to symbolize the rebuilding of the altar. This altar was transported to YMCA Ipoh as a reminder that there is a need for us to continually come to God in prayer.


Come together in Prayer

Praying for unity
Praying for unity


Even as the prophetic act has been carried out, there is the need for us to put our words into action. Thus, YMCA Ipoh will be opening their doors for Christians to pray together as a community of believers once a month. All are welcome to join this prayer meet that will be held every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8 to 9.30 pm. The first meeting will be on the 21st of October 2014.


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