24 Hours Global Worship Online 2021




Global Worship for 24 hours was a Holy Spirit-led vision that was conceived in 2020 when almost every church of the nations was closed due to the pandemic.  Global Worship Malaysia (GWM) hosted the first 24-hour non-stop praise and worship event in 2020 in which 36 countries took part from 6 continents. This event comprised of profound messages, powerful prayers, Spirit-filled worship, and Spirit-led worship dances. Right after the first event, the Lord moved GWM to move to the next level to do greater things for the Kingdom of God. This gave rise to Global Worship Online 2021 in which 51 nations from 6 continents participated.


Global Worship Malaysia


The program was pre-recorded and premiered live via Facebook and YouTube channels from Malaysia. The event opened with the blowing of the shofar by David Ang. This was a symbolic call for all the men and women of God of the nations to arise and do spiritual battle through prayer, the Word, Praise and Worship, and dance, for the next 24 hours that was to come. The opening global version of the song ‘Revival Wave’ sung in 10 languages was a symbolic representation of the tribes and tongues of the nations coming together in praise and worship.


Australia, The Worship Movement


The Participants

The participants came from different nations and were represented by speakers, prayer intercessors, praise and worship teams, and worship dancers. There were a total of 16 anointed prayer intercessors, 6 distinguished speakers, 45 Spirit-led praise and worship teams, and 6 powerful worship dances. It was a fusion of different languages, cultures, and ethnic groups from across the globe.


Bolivia Worship Team


Prayer Intercessions

The 16 prayer intercessors released powerful prayers over their own nation and nations of the world. Reverend Ann Low, the advisor, South East Asia Prayer Council, from Malaysia, did the opening prayer. She called out to the Lord to bring healing and reconciliation to the nations of the world.

The other prayer intercessions were about seeking forgiveness, cleansing, rebuking fear, and seeking God’s intervention over the challenges of today. Some intercessions were specific, for instance, for churches to have influence over social media in order to share the gospel with the unreached and the unreachable. There was also a call to go on our knees in prayer to usher the outpouring of the Greater Glory of God.

The Prayer Covenant from the African nations of Burkina Faso, Togo, and Nigeria had prayer intercessors from all age groups which was a clear display that the Spirit of God is moving even among the children of the nations.


Netherlands sermon sharing by Rev Klass Van Denderen


Praise and Worship

The praise and worship from the different nations rose from living rooms, churches, halls, and even open spaces.  The use of the native language and different instruments, including traditional ones of the nations was a powerful message to the enemy that the Church Of Christ is together and The Lord of Host was with every tribe and nation.

The teams too were from varied makeup: there were church worship groups, family worship teams, couples, and also a children’s choir. The worship in spirit and truth could be felt even as we sat in our homes worshipping together with some team from a far and distant land.


Pakistan Worship Team


Worship Dances

Worship dances from 6 nations: Sri Lanka, Philippines, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Kenya blessed the lands they danced on. They danced in the homes, on the shores, and even in the streets. Those that worshipped along were blessed to watch the Spirit-led movements of the worship dancers. As the hands were raised in adoration, legs bowed in humility and body flexed and swayed with the joy of the Lord, it spoke of an offering of the body in worship and praise.


Nicaragua Dance Ministry CAFAD International
Sri Lanka Dance Ministry ZEP317 Crew



On this day God’s altars were being built in every place where the worship, prayers, and dance were being offered. Altars were also established in the homes of these 51 nations across the six continents as they said Amen to the prayers and worshipped along. We believe the prayers, worship, and dances rose towards the heavens as a sweet and pleasing aroma to the Lord.


Malaysia sermon sharing by Rev Benedict Rajan


The worshippers from the nations formed a global symphony of voices and instruments that glorified and praised God. It was also a global choreography of dance as the dancers from different nations displayed their love for God through the expressions and movement in dance.

There was also a global voice calling out to the Lord in prayer and intercession seeking His forgiveness for our sins and that of nations. Crying out for God’s Kingdom to come and put right the things that have gone wrong.


Slovakia Worship Team


We believe that the enemy’s strongholds were being torn down, God-willed transformations have begun to take place in every nation as these events took place. Homes, churches, communities, and nations have been blessed through this unprecedented move of God through his worship, prayer, and dance warriors.

Finally, a special word of thanks to the organizing team that has been tirelessly working from last year to put together this glorious celebration of praise and worship. To God be all glory.


Tanzania sermon sharing by Pr Bahati
Panama Worship Team


Report by

Global Worship Malaysia


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