“Lean-forward” church
Like When I was teaching digital media in a local institute, we had a term to describe the technological evolution that is happening to TV media. The TV media of yesteryear is referred to as “laid-back” […]
Like When I was teaching digital media in a local institute, we had a term to describe the technological evolution that is happening to TV media. The TV media of yesteryear is referred to as “laid-back” […]
Like Technology, specifically the smartphone, has become a part of who we are, a complete extension of our thoughts and actions. Because of that prevalence, however, technology can easily become a distraction that consumes […]
Like Christianity Malaysia, 22nd January 2022 Ever since Paul Wattson proposed these dates in 1908, January 18th to 25th has been a time of celebration, thanksgiving, and prayer for Christian unity in many churches in the […]
Like Our God is relational. From the day He created Adam and walked with Adam in the Garden, He has always been deeply concerned about our relationship with Him. As our Creator, He’s close […]
Like Dalam Galatia 2:20, Paulus mengukuhkan identiti barunya dalam Kristus dengan menyatakan bahawa: Alkitab Versi Borneo Aku telah disalib bersama Kristus, bukanlah aku lagi yang hidup, tetapi Kristus yang hidup dalam aku. Dalam […]
Like Sebagai sebahagian daripada Kempen Jesus Is Coming (JICC) kami, kami akan menulis dan menerbitkan artikel-artikel tentang doktrin utama yang mengelilingi Kedatangan Kedua Yesus. Salah satu kepercayaan yang paling penting ialah peristiwa Kebangkitan Orang […]
Like 2021 adalah tahun yang penuh dengan cobaan dan masalah bagi banyak orang. Mari kita mulai yang berikutnya dengan berlutut. 1. Doa untuk awal yang baru: Tuhan, terima kasih untuk kehidupan satu tahun […]
Like Listen to the wonderful words of the great Nobel Prize winning writer, Rabindranath Tagore: “Hope is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.” And God knows that it’s been a […]
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