8 June, 2013 by Kelvin Lim
Have you been operating life from the natural realm? Fighting stress, hurts, doubts, sinful habits and being weighed down?
"If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me." –
John 12:32
God's promise is when we ELEVATE Him, He will draw us to where He is – an elevated position. We can then live life from the elevated realm of God and be refreshed.
This song is about elevating God and God Alone.
You Alone
Band: 1a.m.
Worship Leader: Kelvin Lim
Lyrics: Kelvin Lim
CCLI# : 6599775
My lips sing out
My heart cries out
My soul lifts up
Your praise
My life lives out
My love gives out
My spirit shouts out
Your praise
You alone deserve the highest praise
You alone deserve the highest praise
You alone deserve, You alone deserve
You alone deserve the highest praise
How glorious
How wonderful
To give you praise
To worship You with all,
All of my heart
One Accord Ministry
One Accord Ministry or better known as 1a.m. is the worship and creative arm of Eaglepoint Church, Kuala Lumpur.
The phrase one accord holds Acts 2 together.
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” Acts 2:1. The believers were united in everything they did. In our time, we come together in one accord because we believe that united worship brings change.
Visit 1a.m. Website: http://www.1am.com.my
You Can Save Lives,
Kelvin Lim
1a.m. Director (Worship & Creative division of Eaglepoint)
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