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As I write this article, I am thinking of a young lady in her late teens or early twenties. However, the points that I make are appropriate at least in principle for any age lady. Some of the most serious dating problems occur in elderly widows who are dating for the first time in many decades. And their mistakes are no less hurtful than young ladies in their twenties. Dating is a factor of circumstances, not of age.


Ref : eharmony
Ref : eharmony


The big question is, “How do you find the right one?” How does a lady know for sure that she is doing the right thing in dating a particular young man? Who you spend the rest of your life with is a huge decision. Make a wrong decision and you may live the rest of your life in misery, lonely, hurt or even alone.


Ref : huzband
Ref : huzband


Before you walk down the aisle, answer the following questionnaire:

1. Does my Dad approve of my boyfriend?

If your Dad does not approve of your boyfriend, it is very likely he knows something that you do not. Of course there are fathers that are plain unreasonable and crazy. We are not talking about that kind. Fathers have a six sense for future sons-in-law. They cannot guarantee that an apple will taste good but they know a rotten one when they see one. No one is more concerned for your welfare than your Dad. Dads can usually spot a phony baloney before he is even out the car door. Dad is not in love with your boyfriend. He can clearly evaluate him without love and passion interfering with his thought processes.

2. Does my Mom approve of my boyfriend?

Your Mom knows you better than any person alive. She is a woman. No one understands another woman like a woman. And no one can understand more than a mother. She knows the kind of man that will make you happy. No matter what your mother’s life has been like, she has experienced and observed enough of life to be many times wiser than you in evaluating a boy friend. Of course, like fathers, there are also mothers with unreasonable demands and crazy attitudes. We are not talking about those. You should trust a normal mother’s assessment.

3. Do your closest friends like your boyfriend?

If they do not like your boyfriend or your boyfriend do not like your friends, then that should be a warning sign to you. Your friends like you because of who you are. And you like your friends for who they are. You have that in common. If your boyfriend and your friends don’t like each other, there is a good chance that your boyfriend does not like you for who you are. A boy who loves his girl friend is only interested in her happiness. Her friends are part of her happiness picture.


Ref : bilerico
Ref : bilerico


4. Does your boyfriend have any friends?

If he hardly has any friends, beware. What do other people know that you don’t know?

5. Does your boyfriend add to your life?

Does he add to your enjoyment of life or does he take away from it? Does he make you feel better about yourself or does he make you feel used and hurt? Does he give to you with a cheerful heart or repeatedly take from you? Does he add to your reputation, or does he tarnish your reputation and make you look small. Love is giving. If a young man gives to you cheerfully, that is a sign of love. If he takes from you repeatedly, that is a sign of lust. If he is taking from you while you are dating for all kinds of supposedly legitimate reasons, it is likely that he will only get worse if you get married.

6. Does he like being around your family?

Has he been a wonderful addition to family activities or does he divide the family? Does he want to be around your family or does he try to dodge and avoid any family activities? One reason for dating is to find out how the young man interacts with your family? What is he like around children? Do children find him approachable and friendly or avoid him like the plague? Does he even like them or find them rather irritating? Does he tease them? Does he play with them to the exclusion of other adults? That speaks a lot about his attitude about children.


Ref : healthydunia
Ref : healthydunia


7. How does he treat his mother?

Do you want to be treated the way he treats his mother? Does he resent her or does he show her respect? Does he speak ill of his mother and call her all kinds of inappropriate disrespectful names? Investigate. Why? Because the way he treats his mother will be the same way he will treat you later. Don’t take his word for a bad relationship with his mother. But you say, “Oh, I trust him.” If that is the case, then a little prudent checking on your part should only confirm what he says. Do not fear finding out the truth. Marriages are based upon truth.

8. Does he have some noticeable negative traits?

Make a list of everything that others tell you about your boy friend. If he never changed one thing for the rest of his life, could you still live with him and love him? Chances are he is not going to change much after you get married. If he doesn’t have a job now, he won’t have one then either. If he has an immoral life now, chances are that he will later also find you boring also. Has he been inappropriate with you? Do you really think you are the first girl that he has treated that way or that you will be the last? Oh, if you’ve bought into the lie, “Love is blind,” just how dumb are you?

9. Does your pastor approve of your boyfriend?

If you don’t care if your pastor approves of him, then you are not ready to get married. Marriage is a spiritual activity. Pastors are not there to deliberately hinder your marriage. Pastors desire that you have a blessed union and happiness. Ideally you should seek your pastor’s blessing if the marriage is going to be a happy one. If during the pre-marital counseling sessions, your pastor has reservations about your marriage partner, you should delay the marriage until that reservation is adequately resolve. As a pastor I have watch the daughters of Christian friends marry men whom in my honest opinion was not good for them. But as an outsider I had no say in the matter. Many of these marriages have since ended up in divorce after two to three years. If your pastor says no, he must have a good reason to say so. This is not to imply that pastor’s advice is always right but pay attention to what he has to say.


Ref : huffpost
Ref : huffpost


10. Can you easily communicate with each other?

Can you sit and talk and enjoy each other’s company without gossiping about someone else? If your conversation is strained, difficult to maintain and punctuated with long periods of silence, something is wrong. Today it is common place to see couples, the moment they are seated to take out their cell phones, and other electronic devices and mess with them for long period of time. This is a recipe for disaster in a relationship. The long silence is shouting out to you. You are not the main attraction, something else is. Listen to it. If your dates consist of messing with the cell phones or watching TV, you have a serious relationship problem that will get worse with time, especially if the cell phone or TV breaks down.

11. Is he an expert at everything?

The self appointed expert is often an insecure, argumentative, compulsive control freak. Has he gotten into an argument with your parents and friends over trivial matters? Is winning an argument a big thing with your boyfriend? Is he never wrong? Worse yet, he blames others for everything that goes wrong. Eventually he will start blaming you.

12. Are you the sole judge of your boyfriend’s worth?

The poorest judge of a man is the girl who is in love with him. She sees everything through a “love spectrum.” She senses love but not much else. Listen to those who love you. Listen to the warning signs of a probable bad relationship; even listen to those who had made mistakes. Their hurt has great wisdom. Most of all, listen to your parents or other loved ones that know you best. They are a better judge of character than the young lady in love 99.9% of the time. They can see things to which a lover is blinded. Those who love you are looking out for your best interest. Listen to them. Love is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately it can take a normally wise young lady and make a fool out of her. Whom you date is an extremely important decision. It may affect the rest of your life. 


Ref : timeslive
Ref : timeslive


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1 Comment

  1. 0

    Can I ask something?There’s a Christian girl that I like and I falling in Love with her for 5years.What attracted me about her is she serve God faithfully,didn’t like socialize too much,seeking God,Kind.I already try to communicate and getting close with her family,cousin and best friends.Sometimes when I try to do the same thing with her,getting know more about her.But she like to be silent when i message her,try to avoid me..So,should I just move on and forget her?Because when I try to forget her,she will appear in social media,even at anywhere unlike usual..

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