Part of the Christian journey concerns discipleship. And in order to be a good disciple of Christ, we need to be trained in spiritual disciplines in a Biblical manner. A course aiming to develop Biblical leaders is starting this Thursday, 10 weeks and 10 units in total, led by the anointed teacher, Dr Sam Kurian Thomas. And the best thing is that the course is open to all and charge-free.
The course is very practical helping those who are interested to grow to become leaders capable of conducting ministries effectively. Find out more below, including venue and time as well speaker and how to register below:
Dr. S. K. Thomas, D. Min. is the President of The Apostolic Faith Church with Administrative Headquarters in Zenith Corporate Park, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya. The Church provides apostolic oversight to pastors and churches affiliated to it through the Apostolic Council of which he is the Presiding Elder. He has been in ministry for over forty years.
Dr. Thomas has been actively working with other Apostolic / Prophetic leaders of the Church to form Apostolic Councils in many Nations through the International Fellowship of Apostolic Faith Ministers of which he is the International President. The Council provides oversight and leadership for ministers, ministries and fellowships who are wanting to be part of Apostolic Christianity as patterned in the Scriptures and that is emerging everywhere today. IFAFM contends for the Apostolic Faith that was once for all delivered to the Saints (Jude 3). For many years, he has been reaching out to nations from Africa to Fiji in the South Pacific. IFAFM believes in the restoration of the Church before the Messiah’s appearance and that He may present unto Himself a glorious Church without spot or blemish.
According to Ephesians 4:13, we mobilize, teach, train, equip and deploy the Saints through the Apostolic Faith Bible Institute and Daystar Leadership Training Institute for the fulfillment of purpose and destiny, equipping the leaders and nationals by recognizing, raising, and releasing seasoned, proven, mature, valid and fruitful ministry in the body of Christ. The Lord also, is bringing His ministers, Christian businessmen / businesswomen, professionals and all believers into perfect alignment to God’s will through teaching, training, mentoring and oversight. We maintain relationships in the love of Christ.
Dr. Thomas has written & compiled many books and training manuals for personal, Christian leadership and ministry development. They are available upon written request.
TIME AND DATE: 7:30-9:30pm every Thursday starting from 19th of January 2017
VENUE: Faith Oasis Fellowship, USJ 21
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