Raise Funds for Missions by Buying Christmas Gifts!



Help One Voice Ministries Raise RM125,000 For Upcoming Projects In 2017!

Over the past 8 years, One Voice Ministries has managed to reach nine nations (i.e. Myanmar, Philippines, India, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and our beautiful land of Malaysia).

There have been those who have been faithful in praying and giving, enabling them to be able to go. One Voice Ministries thank you from the bottom of their hearts and appreciate all the sacrifices that have been made with an eye on the mission field.

They have an array of Christmas gifts where the proceeds will go to missions!


Call Justin at 012-2606-191 and Jacquie at 016-699-8781 to order!


2 Scriptural Gift Bags at RM10


1 box of tea bags at RM15 ! For 10 boxes and above, please order by 12 December 2016.


Mugs at RM20 each
1 Mug at RM20


Only RM5 each
Each item cost RM5



RM70 each
RM70 for sock & RM70 for decoration item. For 10 socks and above, please order by 12 December 2016.


RM50 for decoration item


RM10 each item in a box
RM10 for each item at top row (except for keychains, buy 2 keychains for RM10)





The Purpose behind One Voice Ministries


Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

(Matthew 28:18-20)


This is the Great Commission, the call that drives them and has become their passion!


How your giving has changed lives?

Two Orang Asli villages in Malaysia have been adopted and people are being drawn to Jesus Christ.




Homeless people in Kuala Lumpur fed with food and most of all, the transforming Word of God.




People in slum areas in India are reached with the gospel.





Pastors and leaders in the villages of Bangladesh are trained.




Bible College students in Myanmar are trained to be missionaries.




Sea Gypsies in the Philippines are fed with the Word and children get a rare opportunity to learn.



Areas hit by earthquake in Philippines are helped and lives rebuilt
Areas hit by earthquake in Philippines are helped and lives rebuilt


Bible College students, pastors and leaders are trained in ministry in Indonesia.




What will your RM125,000 be used for?



Hope Street Ministry Christmas Celebration, Malaysia

  • Lunch for 40 Street People
  • Take Away Snacks and Toiletries
  • Rental of Premises
  • Gospel Tracts and Material



Orang Asli Christmas Evangelistic Celebration, Malaysia

  • Dinner To Be Cooked and Served for 150 people
  • Physical Setup of Tent, Lights, Fans and Tables for the Event
  • Provisions to be Distributed to the Church Members
  • 80 Children’s Goodie Bags Filled with Snacks, Colouring Books and Stationery



Mission Trip to India

  • Basic Provisions For Pastors, Leaders & Believers
  • Open air Evangelistic Meetings at Different Villages
  • Cost of Conducting Training for Pastors & Leaders
  • Outreach to Orphanages and Homes



Mission Trip to Bangladesh

  • Provisions for Pastors in Poor Communities
  • Cost of Conducting Training for Pastors and Leaders
  • Outreach to Orphanage in a Village
  • Evangelistic & Healing Meetings


APRIL 2017

Mission Trip To the Philippines

  • To Distribute Books Translated to the Sinama Language
  • Outreaches at Orphanages and Blessing with Christian Material
  • Cost of Conducting Training for Pastors and Leaders
  • Basic Provisions For Pastors, Leaders & Believers


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