A Slight Edge: Goal Setting for an Abundant Life – Part 1

Goal setting workshop participants at St. Faith’s Church, Kuching.

18 Feb 2013 by Donna Uning CM – 

Kuching, February 16, 2013 – At about 8:30 am, ministry groups filled the Parish Hall at St. Faith’s Church here for Dr. Wong Hong Meng’s workshop on Goal Setting for an Abundant Life. The workshop, organized by the Mission and Evangelism ministry and Full Gospel Businessman (FGB) Kuching was the second held here.

Bro Philip Yong officiated the event and welcomed members. Dr. Wong is one of the governing council of FGB specializing in finance and banking, amongst others. The goal for the day was for each ministry in the church to set their goals. “Although ministry goals are not included in the workshop, which is usually used for personal goals, the methodology is applicable,” said Dr. Wong.

Starting with a numbers’ exercise, Dr. Wong pointed to the audience how one small tip made a difference. “Everybody is looking for a slight edge,” he said on an abundant life.

In John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

“You can’t just sit and not do anything. You have to do something, move in the Lord,” he pointed. Pulling out the ‘wheel of life’ concept, he mentioned that most people only talk about career, job and money.

To be a total person that God created us to be, we are not just these things. A total person has a balanced six areas of life including financial and career, family and home, spiritual and ethical, mental and educational, physical and health, and social and cultural. Some people have eight areas, but the most important is the six.

“In the state, we are the contributor to the church, not a burden to the church,” he said, indicating that most young people cannot manage the area of finance. If you cannot do your own finance, everything will be messed up.

In the area of mental, “Don’t think that you are at an age, you don’t need to develop yourself.” Even when you die, your mind can be sharp.

The family unit is also important, he added on the family area of life.

We think we are ok when it comes to spiritual and ethical. But all of us can get a little closer to God a little bit more, he added.

Those of us in churches tend to be complacent about it, having friends in cell groups, community and others. In the area of social and ethical, “You need to be involved in the society. Some people only have two to five friends.”

The same workshop or instrument is also used in Leadership International Management in a 5-day program. Paul J. Meyer and the Haggai Institute use the same instrument to impart and teach others.

The objective is to get a relatively round wheel of life. You can have a small round circle, but the idea is to make it bigger and bigger, he said.

“Once you do this, you know where you need to go. By looking at this wheel, it stimulates your thinking on what goals to set.

The participants then wrote down their dreams on the ‘Master dream list’. Dr. Wong reminded that we need to do this often. “Dreams cost nothing. It doesn’t have to be realistic.” Some will turn into goals, some will remain dreams but that’s okay. He told his dream of playing the guitar for worship. He thought that if he got a better guitar, he would learn to play better. “Now I have two guitars,” he laughed.

Myles Munroe said that the richest place in the world is the cemetery. This is because all the unutilized potential is buried there.

All of us die with our potential value, our God given potential. “Do not allow your potential to be buried,” Dr. Wong said. Our potential value in all these areas, not just financial is to benefit the Kingdom, nation and society.

“All of us have untapped potential, not in the same direction but in another. There’s so much we can do to make the world a better place.

In the next part, Dr. Wong talks about success and smart goals. 


Goal setting workshop participants at St. Faith’s Church, Kuching.

Dr. Wong Hong Meng.

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