Proskuneo: Worship

Photo by adrianna geo on Unsplash


An Interview with Brock James (SWBTS School of Church Music and Worship) on Worship


Proskuneoπροσκυνὲω To worship, to bow down, to show reverence and submission.


(1). What is the motivation of Christian worship?

The motivation of Christian Worship originally comes from God’s revelation to us. Worship cannot be initiated by the worshipers but instead through Christ’s condescending love He extends His welcome to us.


(2). What does worship achieve?

The idea of achieving worship is an interesting but complicated one. Because worship itself is just our response of authentic reverence to the revealed God. Worship is not a moment in a week nor is it achieved when a worship band sounds good. Instead, it should be a daily goal for each thought, word, and action of our life.


(3). What passages of Scripture come to mind when the word ‘worship’ comes to mind?

In no particular order, they are Psalm 117Psalm 34Philippians 2:1–11Romans 8, and Psalm 145.


Photo by wisconsinpictures on Unsplash


(4). How can churches garner a more biblical understanding and out working of how they conduct worship?

Services need to be built on nothing other than biblical truths and on Scripture itself. This is because the practice of the service itself displays what’s important. This deliberate shift to focus on the truth’s that are only found through Scripture takes preparation and deep thought.


(5). How can music and theology come together without creating an idol (of performance, style)?

In the world of church, music is a fantastic tool. It eases congregational singing, scripture memory, and emotional engagement. However, music can be a terrible master. If music is the primary goal of a worship ministry, then manipulation and self-seeking goals intervene with worship rather than serve to benefit it. The use of music should never bring glory to a person or a group. This in turn shifts worship of that of the individual rather than Christ.


On June 5, 2023, James Brock helped lead the camp as a worship leader and camp counselor, a native of Arlington, Texas, who is a student enrolled in the 5-year Master of Music program at TBC and Southwestern Seminary (Read about it here.)


Playlist of School of Church Music and Worship, by Southwestern Seminary



(6). Who are your biggest influences in creating worship songs?

My biggest influences have been Shane and ShaneCity AlightNew City Collective, and Emu Worship.


(7). A word to the readers?

Yes! Worship can happen inside of a service, but that weekly gathering should not be the believers’ primary time of praising God. At the same time, that does not diminish the impact that His service should have. Congregational worship is a time mandated by Scripture that allows us to guide the body of Christ and as one voice adore Christ, confess our failures, find forgiveness in Him, and build our life on the assurance of the Gospel. (See: Hebrews 10: 25).


But the hour is coming, and is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him: John 4:23


The Texas Panhandle: Palo Duro Canyon


The heavens declare the glory of God,and the sky above proclaims his handiwork: Psalm 19:1


All Scripture references were taken from the ESV Bible.


Source of original article at Republished here with permission by the author. 


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