13th Dec 2012, by Rev Dr Steven Kau-
In my first article, I hope you saw that the Old Testament lays the groundwork for a category distinction: there are two kinds of sinners who die. There are those who die because of their sin nature, namely infants and there are those who die because they love sin and actively embrace it; namely adults. This distinction is important to grasp because the New Testament does not re-establish it from grounds up but rather Jesus and Paul both teach in such a way that the distinction is reinforced.
Again, if any of these verses trouble you, simply skip them and let the weight of the full list be enough to convince you.
1. Jesus blessed little children.
There are no examples of Jesus blessing anyone who was in open rebellion to God. Again, much like Jonah 4, Jeremiah 19, 1 Kings 11, this (at the very least) creates a category of distinction between sinful adults in rebellion against God, and the childlike innocence of children. (Matthew 18: 3-5)
2. In Matthew 18, Jesus not only blesses the children but uses them as an earthly analogy of childlike faith.
He says that “unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child – this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Everyone is free to debate what exactly Jesus means here and there are Christian answers all over the spectrum. But at the very least, Jesus has to be implying that children in their current state would go to heaven if they die. Consider this statement: “My car is as fast as a cheetah and unless your car is like a cheetah too, it can never be fast.” Everyone can debate what it means to be fast or how fast my car really is, or if your car even should be fast. But the entire analogy would break down if cheetahs were not fast to begin with. That is the assumption that makes the analogy makes sense. Whatever Jesus is saying, Matthew 18 only makes sense if the destination of children who die is an enviable one.
3. Romans 5:13-15 makes the category distinction between those who sin like Adam (adults) and those who sin because of the imputation of Adam’s sin (infants).
In making this distinction, Paul is carefully showing how death can reign even over those who didn’t sin like Adam. He is repeating the theological distinctions made in Deut. 1:39, 24:16, Jeremiah 19:4 and Jonah 4:11 and lending theological support to the understanding that infants will not be punished in hell for their sins.
4. A Seared Conscience
That category distinction is further strengthened by Paul’s introduction of those who sin by searing their conscience and how that sin is seen in idolatry and sexual immorality, both sins that infants are incapable of. Because that passage sets the stage for understanding the soteriology of Romans, it is significant for this discussion that Paul frames the conversation in terms that excludes infants and then seals that exclusion explicitly in Romans 5:13-14.
5. Jesus also validates this category distinction when he declares that there are people who die “in their sins”. (John 8:24)
Everyone who dies, dies because they are sinners by nature. If infants weren’t sinners by nature, they wouldn’t die! But there is a particular class of sinners, namely cognizant adults that actively reject God. Those ones not only die, but they “die in their sins” because of their unbelief.
6. Jesus lays claims in a particular way to the concept that children have a unique relationship to the Father.
He declares that we should watch out for “children” in the faith and it is best to see that admonition as applying to immature believers, rather than to actual children. But the analogy only works if actual immature children are to be the recipients of special care from people and god both. As MacArthur wrote, “No parents with six children is going to discover one of them missing and callously say “Oh well, we still have five more.” The analogy makes sense only if children are under God’s care in a special way.
7. People from every tribe, language, nation and ethnicity will be in heaven. (Rev. 5:10)
Because so many languages and tribes have died out, this is only feasible through the salvation of infants. By the way, this is certainly given as powerful claim to the glory of God’s saving nature.
8. All judgment passages in the Bible make clear that people go to hell for their active sin.
This is especially clear in the description of hell in Revelation 21:8. People go to hell for what they have done and this truth would be incomprehensible if infants were sent there.
9. The lists that are in judgment passages are sins that infants lack the ability to commit.
Jesus gives His list in Matthew 15:19-20 “…evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies. These are the things that defile a man, but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a man.” Let me ask this question: which category of sins best describe the way infant’s sin? Do they murder and lust or do they eat with unwashed hands?
At the end of this list, two things should be crystal clear. First, the Bible makes a category distinction between those who sin willingly (adults) and those who sin by their nature (infants). Adults can discern between right an wrong and they often love the wrong. They rebel against God despite natural revelation and they will be judged for their works. Infants have a sin nature (that is why some of them die) but they do not sin IN THE SAME WAY as adults.
Second, with the exception of Job 3, there are not any passages that say “infants go to heaven when they die.” However, given the category distinction just made, it is obvious that every single time the Bible mentions infants who die there is some indication that they receive mercy. It is not like there are seven verses that talk about them going to heaven and seven that imply hell and we are left to wrestle through. Every single verse that mentions this offers hope of heaven and the cumulative weight should be overwhelming. There are other theological truths we agree to that are developed from way fewer references than this. Thus, the case for infant salvation is in my opinion unassailable, as there are literally no verses that teach the contrary.
Love you all.
Rev. Dr. Steven Kau
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Rev. Dr. Steven Kau is the pastor of Faith Covenant Church. The church address is at 1-1 Jalan Putra Mahkota 7/5B, 47650 Putra Heights, Subang Jaya, Selangor. Sunday service in English starts at 10 am. His email contact – kausteven@gmail.com
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Dear Rev Steven,
Your view are all based on assumption and there is no clear bible verses to validate your view.
If you say that there are 2 kinds of sinner who dies, then the next question would be, when would a child be recognized as adult and come under the 2nd category?
Some questions has no answer until we see Christ. Let God be the judge on who will be in heaven and who will not be. On our part, we should strive to live according to His Word.
God bless!