DubCube – CHCKL Youth Ministry

5 April 2013 by Natasha Kim CM- 


The name DubCube is modern and funky, and it refers to the City Harvest K.L. Youth Ministry. It was birthed at the end of 2005, and exists solely to give teenagers aged 13 to 18 a platform to unearth and unleash their maximum potential. They believe that no one is ever too young to start serving God, which is true. We all know that it is important for youths to be educated especially in the case of religion, where they are able to learn morals and enhance their faith. Their goal is to raise young leaders of today who are selfless and who always think of others! It is great stepping stone for the youths.


Proverbs 20:29The glory of young men is their strength.

Observing their history they have had a number of fun filled camps, sleep over’s and sports activities that involve a lot of interaction and team-building. Since they don’t hold their youth service very often, I was lucky enough to have contacted them at the right time. The Head of the youth ministry, Sung Lin, aged 22 shared that, “DubCube has always been about sports. It’s an initiative to bring youth together. ” He’s currently a final year student at Taylors University and has been actively serving for about 5 years.

Most weekends the youth gather after Sunday service to play different types of sports in order to bond. When they need help they know they can find a friend in one another, that’s how close knit they are.


A member of the youth helping to act out a scene


They held their service in a small room where around 40 youths sat down on the floor. They began with praise and worship where I could see so many of them soaked up in the Holy Spirit. As they wrapped up, Sung Lin stood up front and shared something interesting that alerted many. Of the thousands of people that attend the Church, many have become young adults while some have already begun to start their own families.

This then leaves the youth that amount to less than they used to. “This Church is getting a bit old!” Sung Lin jokingly said. Everyone laughed and the mood immediately lightened up. I could see he was passionate about what he was talking about. The drive in him, with the additional humour now and then allowed the youths to easily relate. 


Sung Lin leading the service


Matthew 9: 37“Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

With this scripture, Sung Lin emphasized on the many excuses Christians give to not go to Church. He encouraged the youth to bring their Christian friends back to Church. God can do wonders in their life if they just come back and trust in Him.

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

“In our case, it is “Go and make disciples in your schools”. How hard can it be?” he said. God is relevant enough an excuse to go to Church. He added that, “The fact that our Church is creative means that our God is creative!” You don’t have to wait for events to do that”


The Youth Service where everyone solemnly sat in praise and worship


He created some steps as a guide and started talking about the importance of desire. This word only comes to life with a strong motivational element. Youths must love each other and not compete. They must care enough to see the growth in one another and prove to people that they are more mature than people think they are. Then again, do nothing in force, because the emphasis here is love. That’s what being a human being is all about.

According to him, the next step is to envision a happy time where both you and all your friends get to sit in Church together. Is it no mystery that people need each other. The presence of a close one itself makes a lot of difference.

2 Timothy 1:7"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, or of me as a prisoner, but share with the sufferings of the gospel, according to the power of God."

DubCube youth


The last step is to pray. By now you should know that prayers are very powerful. Whenever in doubt just speak to the Lord, ask for the answer to be shown to you, for Him to make a way to help you to bring those who are lost back to Church. Perseverance and prayer will lead you to miracles!

Do feel free to join in on DubCube’s weekly sports activity’s @ CHCKL you might make new friends and be blessed!



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