Help! I’m Married to a Heathen!

9 March 2013-


There are few things more painful than being unequally yoked. Perhaps this will encourage you to press on and endure with joy. Yes, joy.


1. Remember how patient God was with YOU!

Your days can be long, painful and so frustrating. Before you throw a pot or pan your spouse’s way, remember how long-suffering God was with you. How many years did He pursue you as you continued to blaspheme Him? Perhaps that thought will get you through one more day.


2. Your spouse has committed no sin against you that is worse than the sins you commit against Jesus.

His/her words and actions can be brutally painful. It is OK to feel pain. But remember, his/her sins against you are like a stroll in the country compared to your sins against Jesus. Never forget who the chief of sinners is: You!


3. When your spouse is annoying and sinful, remember, your sins put Jesus on the cross.

“It was my sin that held Him there, until it was accomplished.” Your sins were the cause of the death of your Savior, and yet, He demonstrated His love for you by dying while you were yet sinning (Romans 5:8). Is your suffering worse than the suffering you caused Jesus?

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